Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Day 12

A Very Special Day!!

Aubrey traded in her crib (in Momma & Daddy's room) for a Big Girl bed in her very own room (it's turned around to help her feel safe - she kept falling out when the foot of the bed was just hangin out in the middle of the room).

And in other news, Daddy FINALLY received his Philadelphia Eagles Leather Dream Seat - which he won playing Fantasy Baseball! But Aubrey took the first test drive while Daddy was at work. :o)


Sher Johnson said...

YAA for the big girl bed!

LOL for the chair dh won ;)

Jess said...

What a big girl! Can you believe she's in a "Big Girl Bed" already?

reany365 said...

She looks so tiny in daddy's chair.

Maggie said...

and did you show Daddy the pic that SHE sat in it before him? lol

Awesome pic with the big girl bed.